Thursday 28 April 2011

maintaining plant displays - wk 4

My partners in crime for Support Gardening work today are Paz and the Jane. We are up in the nursery with Michelle to strip all the growth off the Begonias to force them into a sort of hibernation. They are to be moved outside after we tidy them up to get the right amount of chill on the rhizomes for a good lot of showy new growth when needed next.
Stripping the Begonias feels slightly mean with so many good flowers still intact!

We then do a transfer of half the pink and white potted Begonias from one slanted wet bed to another to clear the table for a good clean later on. A really good relay system has us sorting this job very quickly. I think Michelle was pleased to have the extra pair of hands!

This Begonia gets the flick.
Pav doing a fab tidy up job on the last Begonia of the day.

After this it is down to the nursery where it is action stations! We are put in charge of hanging up some Davillia Hare's Foot Ferns and either rejuvenating (by removing spent flowers and dead growth) or replacing the remaining hanging Begonias. It is slightly precarious working at heights and Pav does a great job on the ladder. I make sure to follow good lifting procedure when hoisting up each hanging basket and we do a meticulous clean up to restore the conservatory back to it's original glory.
Pav loves having his pic taken!

1 comment:

  1. Excellent coverage of the work and great images!! Does Pav still walk around like that?? ;-)


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